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Principles and Applications of Radiological Physics: With Pageburst Online Access

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Principles and Applications of Radiological Physics: With Pageburst Online Access

Principles and Applications of Radiological Physics: With Pageburst Online Access
By Donald Graham MEd TDCR, Paul Cloke MSc TDCR, Martin Vosper MSc HDCR

  • Paperback: 416 pages
  • Publisher: Churchill Livingstone; 6 edition (July 27, 2011)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0702043095
  • ISBN-13: 978-0702043093
  • Printed book plus Pageburst access – you will receive a printed book and access to the complete book content electronically. Pageburst enhances learning by not only bringing world class content to your fingertips but also letting you add to it, annotate it, and categorize it all in a way that suits you. Pageburst frees you to spend more time learning and less time searching.

    Principles and Application of Radiological Physics 6E provides comprehensive and easy-to-follow coverage of the principles and application of physics for both diagnostic and therapeutic radiography students. Regardless of changes in technology and clinical grading, the most important role of the radiographer remains unchanged – ensuring the production of high quality images and optimal treatment. These should be performed with the minimum of radiation hazard to patients, staff and others. An understanding of physics and the basics of radiographic technology is essential to do this effectively. The book covers all the physics and mathematics required by undergraduate diagnostic and therapeutic radiography students, catering for those who do not have a mathematics qualification as well as for those who do.


    A focus upon application of physics to reflect current teaching approaches

    Completely revised structure, leading from science principles to applications

    New chapters on CT, MRI, ultrasound, PET, RNI, mammography and digital imaging

    Electronic learning resources for students, hosted on EVOLVE

    *Strong links between theory and practice throughout *Clear and concise text

    Focus on application of physics, as well as principles

    New, updated 2-colour design

    New Sections – Equipment for X-ray production, The Radiographic Image and Diagnostic Imaging Technologies

    Electronic learning resources for students support the text

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