Managing patients with thrombotic vascular disease is complexand challenging:
- Ischemic vascular disease remains a complicated interplay ofatherosclerosis and thrombosis—even with the evolution in ourunderstanding of the pathobiology of thrombosis.
- There has been tremendous growth in therapeutic options whichare quickly finding their place in daily practice, including aremarkable expansion in the number of intravenous and oralantithrombotic agents and new antiplatelet agents
Now more than ever, all cardiologists, hematologists, andspecialists in vascular medicine, as well as other professionals,such as hospital pharmacists, who deal with prognosis andintervention in preventing thrombosis, need a resource thatdistills current knowledge of this important subject.
Written and edited by today’s leading international,Therapeutic Advances in Thrombosis, 2e providesphysicians with the very latest in medical and surgical advances inantithrombotic therapies. With this comprehensively updated editionyou get:
- Coverage of virtually all aspects of venous and arterialthrombotic disease and the corresponding therapies
- Strategies to manage specific clinical conditions and how totailor treatment to individual patient needs
- Updated chapters covering thrombolysis in ST-elevatedmyocardial infarctions; thrombosis in patients with diabetes,pregnancy, and renal dysfunction
- Special emphasis on the pharmacology of novel anticoagulantsand their practical use in venous thromboembolism and atrialfibrillation.
Plus, all chapters fully explore clinical trial designs andoutcomes for particular treatment therapies, as well as contain therelevant ACC/AHA/ESC guidelines, so you can confidently apply whatyou learn.