By Marc A. Fritz MD, Leon Speroff MD
Series: Clinical Gynecologic Endocrinology and Infertility
Hardcover: 1488 pages
Publisher: LWW; Eighth edition (December 28, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0781779685
ISBN-13: 978-0781779685
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Established for more than thirty years as one of the world’s most widely read gynecology texts, Clinical Gynecologic Endocrinology and Infertility is now in its Eighth Edition. In a clear, user-friendly style enhanced by abundant illustrations, algorithms, and tables, the book provides a complete explanation of the female endocrine system and its disorders and offers practical guidance on evaluation and treatment of female endocrine problems and infertility. Major sections cover reproductive physiology, clinical endocrinology, contraception and infertility. This edition has a modern full-color design.
A companion website includes the fully searchable text, image bank and links to PubMed references.
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