By Rajendra Prasad Nikhil Gupta
Publisher: Jaypee Brothers Medical Pub; 1/E edition (2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9351522210
ISBN-13: 978-9351522218
This book was written with the aim of defining a practical approach to every aspect of tuberculosis. In total there are 50 chapters in the book. Chapters practically cover all the aspects of tuberculosis ranging from epidemiology, varying presentation of tuberculosis, diagnosis and practical approach to the treatment of pulmonary as well as common extrapulmonary tuberculosis including hiv and tb. It also covers practical approach to drug resistant including multidrug resistant tuberculosis and extensively drug resistant tuberculosis. Chapters also include prevention of tuberculosis and tb control in india. Pharmacokinetics of antituberculosis used in new and retreatment cases of tuberculosis including their doses, regimens, adverse effects are highlighted. Special chapters on case-based approach to treatment of tuberculosis in special situation and mdr-tb have also been included. Chapters on tb in children, tb in elderly, nontuberculous mycobacteria and infection control in tb are also
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