By Paul Bhogal, Matt Green
Series: Progressing Your Medical Career
Paperback: 276 pages
Publisher: Bpp Learning Media Ltd (Medical) (October 11, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1445379554
ISBN-13: 978-1445379555
We can all remember a teacher that inspired us, encouraged us and helped us to excel. But what is it that makes a good teacher and are these skills that can be learned and improved? As doctors and healthcare professionals we are all expected to teach, to a greater or lesser degree, and this carries a great deal of responsibility. We are helping to develop the next generation and it is essential to pass on the knowledge that we have gained from our experience. This book aims to cover the fundamentals of medical education. It has been designed to be a guide for the budding teacher with practical advice, hints, tips and essential points of reflection to encourage the reader to think about what they are doing at each step. By taking the time to read through this book and completing the exercises contained within it you should understand the needs of the learner, appreciate the skills required to be an effective teacher and exlpore the various different teaching scenarios, from lectures to problem-based teaching, and how to use them effectively. The book stresses the importance and sources of feedback and an awareness of assessment techniques, appraisal and revalisation. This book will provide you with a foundation in medical education upon which you can build the skills and attributes to become a competent and skilled teacher.
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