By George J. Klein, Lorne J. Gula, Peter Leong-Sit
Paperback: 208 pages
Publisher: Cardiotext Publishing; 1 edition (May 1, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1935395890
ISBN-13: 978-1935395898
It goes without saying that a correct arrhythmia diagnosis is a prerequisite to catheter ablation regardless of the presence of sophisticated mapping and imaging technologies. Electrophysiological maneuvers are fundamental to this process, and proper selection and interpretation of maneuvers constitute a core skill of the electrophysiologist. In this volume, we make the case that most maneuvers are fundamentally similar in principle and can be understood by appreciating a few basic physiological and anatomical principles. The art lies not in a comprehensive knowledge by rote of every maneuver or its application, but rather a systematic approach using common principles. We illustrate this by showing abundant examples and emphasizing the "game plan," including checklists that can be applied to virtually any maneuver.
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