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Interventional Techniques in Uro-oncology

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Interventional Techniques in Uro-oncology

Interventional Techniques in Uro-oncology
By Manit Arya, Hashim Uddin Ahmed, Peter Scardino

  • Hardcover: 208 pages
  • Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 1 edition (April 11, 2011)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1405192720
  • ISBN-13: 978-1405192729
  • Minimally invasive surgical techniques are moving into themainstream of urological practice. Even less invasive techniques,some of which can involve no use of the knife whatsoever, arerapidly being developed and implemented for treating urologicalcancer. Interventional Techniques in Uro-oncology is thefirst text to cover these techniques in total and provides acomprehensive review of the state-of-the-art minimally invasiveinterventions.

    This well-illustrated reference provides the basic sciencebehind each technique before explaining when and how best toperform them. It examines their use in different clinical settings,the advantages and disadvantages of each technique in themanagement of specific tumor types, and their suitability fordifferent patients. Future techniques are discussed including thepotential of nanotechnology in the delivery of urologic healthcare.Each chapter is easy to navigate with key points andreferences.

    Interventional Techniques in Uro-oncology is an essentialreference for training and practicing oncologists, urologists andradiologists as well as the general physician with a keen interestin cancer care. Its approachable style will also inform non-expertson what is available and whether a particular intervention issuitable for their patient in the clinic.

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