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Manual of Allergy and Clinical Immunology for Otolaryngologists

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Manual of Allergy and Clinical Immunology for Otolaryngologists

Manual of Allergy and Clinical Immunology for Otolaryngologists
By David L. Rosenstreich, Marvin P. Fried, Gabriele S. de Vos

  • Hardcover: 464 pages
  • Publisher: Plural Publishing, Inc.; 1 edition (September 30, 2015)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1597566233
  • ISBN-13: 978-1597566230
  • Manual of Allergy and Clinical Immunology for Otolaryngologists presents the most up-to-date knowledge related to allergy and immunology directed towards the unique needs of otolaryngologists. Many of the clinical conditions treated by otolaryngologists have an allergic or immunologic pathogenesis, including sinusitis, rhinitis and otitis, and otolaryngologists are often required to use allergic methodology in treating these problems. This book is a resource to which physicians can refer to help them manage allergic aspects of common ENT problems and their diagnosis and management.

    Manual of Allergy and Clinical Immunology for Otolaryngologists begins with an introduction to the fundamental immunologic processes necessary to understand allergic mechanism and diseases and goes on to include food and drug allergies, anaphylaxis, immune deficiencies, occupational allergic diseases, and tumor immunology, among other topics. Otolaryngologists across all specialties as well as residents will benefit from the current information that focuses on the most important aspects of each topic in a concise, easy to reference format.

    From the Foreword:

    "The fields of allergy, immunology, and otolaryngology are inextricably linked. Immunologic dysregulation is recognized to be the underpinning of a wide variety of diseases of the head and neck, and on a daily basis the practicing otolaryngologist must draw upon principles of allergy and immunology in the diagnosis and treatment of patients. For example, it is a rare patient presenting with a sinonasal complaint in whom consideration of allergic etiologies is not relevant. The otolaryngologist must also have a strong understanding of autoimmune illnesses to recognize the unique array of potential head and neck manifestations associated with autoimmune disease. Equally important, a deeper understanding of immunopathology may be the key to unlocking the mechanisms of major diseases ranging from chronic rhinosinusitis to head and neck cancer. Thus it is imperative for the otolaryngologist to master principles of allergy and immunology in order to provide optimal patient care.

    The body of knowledge encompassed by allergy and immunology is rapidly evolving and expanding, posing a great challenge for otolaryngologists seeking to keep up with diagnostic and treatment advances in the field. This splendid textbook offers a comprehensive, multidisciplinary encapsulation of contemporary allergy and immunology for the otolaryngologist. Drs. Rosenstreich, Fried, de Vos and Jackman have assembled an illustrious group of authors who have managed to distill the essentials of allergy and immunology for the otolaryngologist without sacrificing scientific content or detail. The reader will appreciate clear elucidation of basic science concepts and the practical translation of basic science principles to the clinical management of otolaryngologic illnesses. Diagnostic and treatment guidelines are presented with a comprehensive and pragmatic approach. This book is essential reading for all otolaryngologists, from trainees looking to grasp the breadth of overlap between otolaryngology and allergy/immunology, to seasoned otolaryngologists seeking to update their fund of knowledge with the latest developments in immunophysiology and clinical treatment. The knowledge gained from this expertly edited volume will benefit our patients tremendously."

    –Peter H. Hwang, MD
    Professor and Chief
    Division of Rhinology and Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery
    Department of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery
    Stanford University School of Medicine

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