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Nursing Older People at a Glance (At a Glance (Nursing and Healthcare))

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Nursing Older People at a Glance (At a Glance (Nursing and Healthcare))

Nursing Older People at a Glance (At a Glance (Nursing and Healthcare))
By Josephine Tetley, Nigel Cox, Kirsten Jack

  • Series: At a Glance (Nursing and Healthcare)
  • Paperback: 120 pages
  • Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 1 edition (June 18, 2018)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1119043867
  • ISBN-13: 978-1119043867
  • As the environment of care continues to evolve to promote person-centredness, dignity, health, and wellbeing, for nurses working with older people, this can be challenging. Nursing Older People at a Glance is a timely publication which provides an overview of key concepts that nurses need to know in order to care for older people in a wide range of settings.

    Divided into six sections, it explores a range of themes such as person-centred care, health and wellbeing, health promotion, and the complexity of older people’s care, encompassing mental wellbeing, diverse communities and learning disability.

    With a strong focus on dignity in care throughout, Nursing Older People at a Glance will readily equip undergraduate and post-qualification nurses with the knowledge and skills required to care for older people in a competent and compassionate manner.

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