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Surgery of the Cerebellopontine Angle

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Surgery of the Cerebellopontine Angle

Surgery of the Cerebellopontine Angle
By Nicholas C. Bambakidis, Cliff A. Megerian, Robert F. Spetzler

  • Hardcover: 336 pages
  • Publisher: Pmph Usa; 1 edition (May 1, 2009)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1607950014
  • ISBN-13: 978-1607950011
  • Surgery of the Cerebellopontine Angle is a single volume text which meshes the information available in surgical atlases with clinical disease entities. The inclusion of an interactive atlas adds to the importance of the text and complements it, and also obviates the need to reference multiple sources. This allows the project to stand out from its competitors and broadens its appeal. Organized in four sections, the first discusses anatomy, radiology, and neurology of the temporal bone and CPA in detail. The second section will describe the surgical approaches and will include the latest developments in such approaches. It will include separate chapters describing the newest innovations in minimally invasive approaches and technological advances in cranial nerve monitoring. With 50 multidisciplinary, worldwide experts as contributors Surgery of the Cerebellopontine Angle address relevant clinical disease entities and state of the art treatments in 5 sections: Synthesis of anatomic, neurologic and radiologic considerations; Summary of surgical approaches of the skull base; Latest advances in the treatment of acoustic neuromas; Most recent advances in the treatment of nonschwannomatous lesions; An interactive multimedia DVD atlas comprising anatomic views of the temporal bone and CPA from cadaverous dissections, which can be manipulated to stimulate surgical views. The DVD includes full-color video clips of case samples and much more.

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