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Paperback: 232 pages
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 3 edition (January 30, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0470654465
ISBN-13: 978-0470654460
Every medical student must be able to take an accurate history andperform a physical examination. This third edition of Historyand Clinical Examination at a Glance provides a concise, highlyillustrated companion to help you develop these vital skills as youpractice on the wards. Building on an overview of thepatient/doctor relationship and basic enquiry, the text supportslearning either by system or presentation of common conditions,with step-by-step and evidence-based information to supportclinical examination and help you formulate a sound differentialdiagnosis.
History and Clinical Examination at a Glancefeatures:
- Succinct text and full colour illustrations, including manybrand new clinical photographs
- A new section on the development of communication skills, whichexplains how to communicate in different circumstances, and withdifferent groups of people
- A self-assessment framework which can be used individually, bytutors, or in group practice to prepare for OSCEs
History and Clinical Examination at a Glance is theperfect guide for medical, health science students, and juniordoctors, as an ideal resource for clinical attachments, last-minuterevision, or whenever you need a refresher.
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