Following the familiar, easy-to-use at a Glance format,Haematology at a Glance, Fourth Edition is a broad andaccessible introduction to the study of blood. Fully revised andupdated to reflect advances in the field and in clinical practice,this new edition covers essential knowledge, from basichematological physiology to blood disorders and their diagnosis andtreatment.
This new edition of Haematology at a Glance:
• Features expanded sections on the underlyingmechanisms, diagnostic techniques and management of the malignanthaematological diseases. Also incorporates recent advancesin knowledge of thrombosis and the newer oralanticoagulants
• Contains the very latest clinical treatments
• Includes updated illustrations and clinicalphotographs to illustrate concepts and aid understanding
• Features extensive online self-assessment atwww.ataglanceseries.com/haematology
This book is an invaluable resource for medical students and healthprofessionals wanting to consolidate and expand their knowledge ofhaematology.