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Hardcover: 272 pages
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 1 edition (June 20, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1444337068
ISBN-13: 978-1444337068
Stillbirth remains a major and tragic obstetric complication
The number of deaths due to stillbirth are greater than thosedue to preterm birth and sudden infant death syndrome combined.
Stillbirth: Prediction, Prevention and Managementprovides a comprehensive guide to the topic of stillbirth.Distilling recent groundbreaking research, expert authorsconsider:
- The epidemiology of stillbirth throughout the world
- The various possible causes of stillbirth
- The psychological effects on mothers and families who suffer astillbirth
- Management of stillbirth
- Managing pregnancies following stillbirth
Stillbirth: Prediction, Prevention and Management ispacked with crucial evidence-based information and practicalinsights. It enables all obstetric healthcare providers to manageone of the most traumatic yet all too common situations they willencounter.
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