Section Editors:
Margaretha Casselbrant; David H. Chi; Michael J. Cunningham; Joseph E. Dohar; Margaret A. Kenna; Dennis J. Kitsko; Raymond C. Maguire; David L. Mandell; Trevor J. McGill; Deepak Mehta; Todd D. Otteson; Reza Rahbar; Howard C. Shane; Robert F. Yellon
New Basic Science and General Pediatrics Section: Medical Ethics; Outcomes and Evidence-Based Practice; Psychosocial Perspectives; Professionalism, Communication, and Teamwork in Surgery
Updated surgical chapters (ear, nose, airway, head and neck)
New imaging chapters
More new chapters including: Oral and Facial Neuropathic Pain; Eosinophilic Esophagitis; Stridor; Infectious and Inflammatory Airway Disorders; Acquired Disorders of the Larynx and Trachea; Benign Tumors of the Head and Neck; Early Identification and Intervention for Hearing Loss; Cochlear Implant Technology; Psychiatric Disorders; Antimicrobial Agents for Head and Neck Infections
New color clinical photographs and photomicrographs