By Singh
Series: Jaypee Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series
Paperback: 238 pages
Publisher: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd.; 1 edition (December 1, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 8184482582
ISBN-13: 978-9350908341
ASIN: 8184481756
Book summary of jaypee gold standard mini atlas series fetal anomalies with photo cd-rom table of contents head and brain (normal anatomy) anomalies of the head and brain fetal face (normal anatomy) fetal facial anomalies fetal neck (normal anatomy) anomalies of the fetal neck fetal spine (normal anatomy) anomalies of the fetal spine fetal thorax?extracardiac (normal anatomy) fetal thoracic anomalies (extracardiac) fetal heart (normal anatomy) anomalies of the fetal heart gastrointestinal system (normal anatomy) anomalies of the gastrointestinal system genitourinary tract (normal anatomy) anomalies of the genitourinary system fetal skeletal (normal anatomy) anomalies of the fetal skeletal system fetal hydrops diagnosis of fetal malformations by ultrasound in the first and early second trimester fetal anomalies in chromosomal aberrations fetal anomalies in maternal infections appendices 1. Normal values measurement methodology reporting index
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